The Real Pendle Mp                                                                                         Housing

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No more homelessness, no more misery. It is the right of every human being to have a roof over his or her head. 


For the homeless, we shall provide two types of housing. Each homeless person will be able to choose which type of environment he/she wishes to live in. The two types are: rural and urban




In the rural setting, each economic unit will be provided with a log kit to make a log cabin. This will be a simple but adequate dwelling which has the capability of being added to as the unit expands. People can live in their own ways, as individuals, as couples, as family units or as groups. Housing will be provided for any size of unit.  In addition to the log cabin, each economic unit will be given a parcel of land. This land can be worked in any way they desire, but it must be worked. Anyone not working the land after the first year of occupation will lose the right to a rural existence and will be moved to an urban location. This is not a punishment, but land is for those who want to work it.  The means of working the land will be provided on a communal basis, and each unit can apply for seeds, or animals, when they have decided how they want to work the land.  

It is expected that each unit will become self-sufficient or self-supporting after five years. Aid will gradually decrease until self-sufficiency is reached. Artisans and craftsmen will be encouraged to settle in the community to share and teach their skills. 




In the urban setting, we shall put up buildings similar to the way supermarkets are built today. Each large 'umbrella' building will house a  community. Within the complex will be shops, laundries and other service areas. Each economic unit will be provided with enough space for its needs. People will have to contribute to the life of the community and share in maintenance tasks. There will be recreation and craft areas as well as cinemas, theatres, dance halls - all the accoutrements of modern living. People who try the rural life and fail will be accommodated here. Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, people who are a continual and unreformed nuisance will be removed to other areas to do hard or unpleasant work with others do not want to do. There will be discipline in these places, but it will be possible to accrue points towards a return to the normal community


This page was last edited 27/10/01 00:43

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