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Crime & Punishment




(Picture: Herr Gerrit Opendonc, Minister with Criminal Responsibility, pictured at his Mountain Retreat in Bavaria)


There is too much crime in this country today.  We all know the causes.  The lack of jobs is the main culprit, followed by too much advertising of material goods, creating unrealistic longings.  Then there are the sick movies and videos.  Then drugs and drink.


In the fifties, which I remember, there was full employment.  It may sound like a fairytale, but it was possible to walk out of your job on a Friday and into a new one Monday morning.  Most of the work was hard, unremitting toil, with long hours, so that by the time work was over people hadn't the energy to go and commit crime.  In most cases, they didn't need to.  Advertising hardly existed, luxury goods hadn't arrived, basic needs were satisfied and people thought of healthy things like getting some exercise, tending their gardens, going dancing at the Roxy, and pursuing the opposite sex.
HALVE THE HOURS To produce more jobs, reduce everyone's hours immediately to 25.  This would double the number of jobs.  Also, it should be recognised that not everyone needs work.  The more creative members of the population should be given a decent allowance and allowed to amuse themselves.  Their role is to enrich all our lives, and encourage and instruct the workers in ways to fill their new leisure.  Anyone pretending to be creative as a cover to commit offences would be immediately sent back to work, preferably down the mines with the juvenile offenders.


Give them as much of their drug as they want and let them get on with it, in a secure environment where they cannot bother anyone else, or encourage anyone else in their habit.  Make rehabilitation centres immediately available to anyone wanting to come off the drug.  This in itself will create more job opportunities
MORE POLICE Policing should be increased, but not in a heavy handed, punitive way.  It should be done in order to ensure that people enjoy a good standard of life.  Wrongdoing should be nipped in the bud and anti-social behaviour stopped.  When there are more police they too will be more relaxed.  Friendly relations with the public should be maintained the whole time.


Everyone should receive the same weekly amount, whether working, studying or working on what interests them and benefits others. Everyone needs the same amount to live on, which should be sufficient for their needs and a little extra for luxuries, to spend as they wish. Any premiums paid over and above the basic rate should be for jobs which no one wishes to do, and where extra incentive is needed. These would be jobs in rubbish collection and waste disposal, NOT company directorships.

PRISONS Unfortunately there must be prisons, though we should work towards the day when we no longer need them.  Prison should not be looked on as a punishment (except in the worst cases) but as an opportunity.  Once an offender is admitted to prison, that should be the starting point for a thorough investigation into what has made him/her the way they are.  This can be a job for psychiatrists and other social reformers.  After all we wish to avoid repetition of mistakes.  The offender's abilities and needs should be studied and an individual programme drawn up.  Those who refuse to co-operate or respond should be put on hard labour which is of value to the community, and refused privileges.


Having given everyone every consideration, those who choose only to make a nuisance of themselves will be dealt with in ways that they understand. Unpleasantness and coercion being their way of life, that is how they will be treated, when all other methods have failed.

This page was last edited 20/02/08 11:53


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