Birthday girl!
Mum ready to go out at 8.30am on Friday 9th March. She was a little
apprehensive, expecting

Janet the Suicide
Driver to turn up, so was quite relieved when it all turned out to have
been a Spoof, and

James turned up
instead, giving her a lovely bunch of flowers and telling her he was her
chauffeur for today. With her wonky eyesight she didn't notice the demon
eyes and vampire teeth! Soon she was installed in the limo and on her

to Windhill First
School, for her first appointment of the day. On arrival, she wondered
who the two little old men peering in the car were - could they be

No, it was her
two sons, John (pictured) and Geoff, the second surprise of the day.
Overjoyed to see them, and realise she was not going to be alone with
the Terrible Geraldine all day, Mary walked into School on John's arm

The Head Teacher
being ill, Deputy Head Angela Smith greeted us and gave us a warm
Yorkshire welcome

Mum is asking her
where the toilet is, let's get the important things sorted first. In the
toilet, we found the lollipop, and Mum wondered if she could get a job

We were early
(that soon changed as the day went on) and so were shown into this
lovely staffroom and given tea and coffee.

Everyone relaxed
as Angela went off to get Assembly under way. Mum was to be Guest of

Angela came back
with the oldest staff member, who wanted to meet Mum

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