My Crystal Skull Friends


These are my skull friends who live on the windowsill in my sitting room. They have lived in other places: their first home was a small table on which they liked to have flowers, feathers and other objects. This was when there were only four of them, and they were working on building up their numbers. They worked hard at this! Skulls in my home have totalled over 60! At another time they demanded, and got, a glass table of their own. Unfortunately due to space restrictions this had to go. Now they live in two colonies - the 'named' ones and those who have not given names but have chosen to work with me, are on the windowsill. The rest of them are housed in a set of shelves in a corner of the room. No doubt they do not like this, but at the moment this is all I can offer them.


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   when there were four: Zena & Haakon,  Marguerite & Jethro (2004)                      2006 - see how they grew - the glass table


I have never named any of my skulls, they have all  independently given their names. Every case is different, some leap out of their packaging shouting it! Others wait a long time before deciding I am worth it. But in every case I have noticed they do not 'introduce' themselves - they simply state a name. I have two rhodonite skulls who have not shared their names, but the day they came I received two parcels. When I opened the first one, one rhodonite leapt out shouting - "Open the other parcel! My friend is in there!" 


How the skulls came into my life


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