Lewis, Scotland. Victor Reijs has been running a successful pilot from Oct. 20 until Oct. 26th, to catch the near northern major standstill event (moon set) with Cam2. Planned to operate until end 2007
Sleeping Beauty Range
It is essential to mention that at other Neolithic monuments in the Calanais region, the Moon rises from the Sleeping Beauty Range, sets, re-appears(!) and sets again in the Clisham Range. So this is a common and spectacular finding for a larger region! It is likely that such observations were part of a possible intentional design of the monuments in this region; made by the skilled Neolithic people who lived in the Calanais region. For the next opportunity of this event a broadcast through web cameras is planned between mid 2005 and 2007 and it is expected that several tens of thousand of people (based on experience with a web camera at Maeshowe, Orkney) will look through these cameras towards the Calanais monuments and the Sleeping Beauty Range.
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