Solstice at Stonehenge

11a.sunset jun 20 05.JPG (921936 bytes) 14.stones.JPG (900896 bytes) 19.sunrise.JPG (956992 bytes)
Sunset on evening of 20 June Making merry thro the night The Sun starts to come up
24.sunrise.JPG (944097 bytes) 34.sunrise.JPG (907985 bytes) 41.sunrise.JPG (939136 bytes)
Sky changes colour Sun cutting a disc in stone Risen Sun behind stone
40.sunrise.JPG (938097 bytes) 44.geraldine.JPG (884829 bytes) 50.goodbye stones.JPG (906852 bytes)
Now fully light At last the warmth is back! Leaving the Stones



New research at Stonehenge - posted 31.1.07

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