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Source: Earthwatch
Released: Mon 26-Feb-2007, 00:00 ET
Embargo expired: Thu 01-Mar-2007, 14:00 ET
Archaeologists Reveal Ancient Solar
Observatory in Peru
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The 13 Towers of Chankillo are the most outstanding part
of a 2300-year-old ceremonial complex excavated by
Earthwatch teams in the coastal desert of Peru. A paper
in Science by former Earthwatch-supported archaeologist
Ivan Ghezzi (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru)
and Clive Ruggles (University of Leicester) reveals that
the towers mark the existence of sun cults predating the
Inca by nearly two millennia. |
Newswise — Solar calendars and sun cults were an important
part of indigenous American culture, from the Hopi to the Inca
sun temple in Cusco, Peru. The latest issue of Science
features a new discovery at Chankillo, in the Casma Valley of
Peru’s coastal desert, pushing sun cults in the region back
nearly 2,000 years.
A line of structures known as the 13 towers run north-south
along the ridge of a low hill at Chankillo, a ceremonial center
dating back to the fourth century B.C. From evident observation
points on either side, the towers form a “toothed” horizon
that spans the annual rising and setting arcs of the sun,
indicating their use in solar observations.
“Chankillo is arguably the oldest solar calendar that can
be identified as such with confidence within the Americas,”
said Ivan Ghezzi (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru), who
coauthored the Science paper with Clive Ruggles
(University of Leicester).
Starting in 2000, Earthwatch volunteer teams assisted Ghezzi
at Chankillo for three years, conducting excavations that
supported this new revelation about the site’s importance in
ancient sun cults. They assisted in mapping the 13 towers,
recording their alignments, and excavating the “solar
observatory” to the west. Earthwatch volunteers also took tree
ring samples from well-preserved wooden lintels that helped date
the site.
“Many indigenous American sites have been found to contain one
or a few putative solar orientations,” continued Ghezzi.
“Chankillo, in contrast, provides a complete set of horizon
markers and two unique and indisputable observation points.”
Excavation of ancient buildings to the west of the towers
revealed one corridor that was clearly an observation point for
watching the sun rise over the toothed horizon. The end of the
corridor was littered with offerings of pottery, shell, and
stone artifacts not found elsewhere nearby, indicating
significant rituals associated with solar observations. A
building to the east is in the exact mirror position of the
western observation point, and is lined up to view the sunsets
over the 13 towers.
The gaps between the towers are wide enough for just one or
two sunrises to be observed in each. The regularity of the gaps
suggests that the year was divided into regular intervals.
Plazas near the 13 towers apparently provided a setting for
people participating in public rituals and feasts directly
linked to solar observations. However, the observation points
themselves appear to have been highly restricted to individuals
with special status. This, along with ceramic warrior figurines
found at the site, suggest the authority of an elite few. As
with the Inca empire, two millennia later, sun worship and
cosmology may have helped legitimize that authority.
“Chankillo was built approximately 1700 years before the
Incas began their expansion,” said Ghezzi. “Although there
is obviously no direct culture-historical relationship between
the 13 Towers of Chankillo and the sun pillars of Cuzco, they
are analogous as horizon markers for calendrical purposes. Now
we know these practices are quite a bit older, and were highly
developed by Chankillo’s time.”
Earthwatch Institute is a global volunteer organization that
supports scientific research by offering members of the public
unique opportunities to work alongside leading field scientists
and researchers. Founded in 1971, Earthwatch’s mission is to
engage people worldwide in scientific field research and
education to promote the understanding and action necessary for
a sustainable environment. Please include the web site for
Earthwatch Institute (http://www.earthwatch.org)
in any story based on this release so that your readers can find
out how to join scientific expeditions.
This research will appear in the 2 March, 2007, issue of the
journal Science, published by the AAAS, the world's
largest general scientific organization. See http://www.sciencemag.org,
and also http://www.aaas.org.
To learn about a current Earthwatch project exploring
Pre-Inca Peru, Archaeology of Peru’s Wari Empire, go to
For a related news release go to http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/526767/