Wolf and I met in 1986, and
in 1988 got
our first allotment. The following year we were awarded another, for our
hard effort, and eventually ended up with three. So it was heads down in
the allotment for the next seven years. Then in 1995, Wolf had an
insurance policy maturing. Rather than have his mother pay it into his
bank, he suggested we go over to Germany and collect it. I had an uneasy
feeling from the start that the visit might not be too pleasant,
so when
in September 94 he came out with the remark - "Why don't we cycle
there?" my heart leapt at the idea! I was also thinking, "At
least I will enjoy the journey!" I had been to Germany once, when I
was seventeen, and that was a long time ago. I loved everything about
Germany, with one exception. Those who saw us on The Real Holiday Show
will know what that was. Here is a book of our photos.
full story to follow in my book "At Least She Never
Drank Much" |