First Visit to Neukirch, Schwarzwald 2001



Note: The whole show has 342 images, which would take 

approximately 35 mins to watch. I have therefore split

the show into two halves (described below)


Part 1














We arrive in Ringsheim (Wolfram's home village) to stay one night, going next day to Neukirch. The first day we travel to Villingen, an old town. Our hosts, Erika and Max Rombach, take us on a cycle ride through the forest to Mörderloch (Murder Hole), where a statue of Christ has become enclosed in a tree. We do the village 'Women's Walk' to Furtwangen and back, and on my birthday (June 14) which is by coincidence also Ascension Day, Erika takes us to the monastery village of Sankt Peter, to see their 'Himmelfahrtstag' procession and flower carpet. 


Part 2














After leaving Sankt Peter, we stop off at the Hexenloch (Witches' Hole) to visit the famous mill which brews its own Forest Spirit. Wolf and I cycle to Brend Turm (a tower high in the forest) but are beaten back by storms. We go to Freiburg by bus. Wolf's mother takes us on a trip to Bodensee, visiting the ancient town of Meersburg and nearby Birnau Kloster. Max takes us to Blindensee (Blind Lake) and the preserved Black Forest house of Reinertonishof. Wolf and I do the walk to Hexenloch, down a steep river valley, dropping 2000 feet in 3km. We choose a better day and cycle to Brend, continuing to Martinskapelle and the source of the Danube.

Go! Go!



I have also

posted each of the seven segments separately, so if

you have a favourite bit, you can easily find it and watch it.




Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!






Other picture shows: Germany 1995    Como 1997   Narbonne 1998   Normandy 2000  



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