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A Circle Meditation / Finding a Stone of Light

THE FOUR DIRECTIONS - A Circle Meditation

1.    Stand facing East. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Imagine that you stand in the centre of all things, the navel of the universe. You are Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Your roots stretch down to the Underworld, your Mind touches the Heavens. Above your head shines the North Star. You are the Milky Way, the great cosmic highway.


2.    Now imagine that a spiral of energy is rising up out of the earth. It travels up the back of your legs, then up your spine, the trunk of your own Inner World Tree. This energy is solid, stabilizing, and abundant. In fact, all possible abundance and good fortune comes to you as a result of this earthy power.


3.    Now imagine another spiral of energy, flooding down from the heavens above, entering your body through the crown of your head and travelling down your spinal column into the abundant earth. This force embodies spiritual power; it is symbolic of your inspiration, your connection with the divine. This is the energy the Maya called ‘The Dew of Heaven’.


4.    Visualise these two energetic forces as spirals of white light, one moving from the sky into the earth, the other from the earth into the sky. Together they form a double spiral travelling up and down your spine, like the double hilix of a DNA molecule.


5.    Now stretch your arms out from your sides, so that you stand as a cross in the centre of all things. Remember there was a cross long before the Christian cross, the Maya called it the Cross of the Four Directions, it symbolized the World Tree, and the fourfold Universe itself. You are that universe.


6.    At your Right Hand, to the South, are gathered all the male powers of the universe, and all the members of your immediate family, both male and female. It does not matter whether you love these members of your family or hate them, they are simply ‘there’ - it is enough to acknowledge them and know that this is their place. Also in the South, on your Right, are all the attributes we consider ‘male’ - rationality, logic, assertiveness, aggression, authority, power and command. These are the traditional male virtues.


7.    On your Left, to the North, are gathered all the female powers of the universe. Also all the people you are intimate and close with, and all the women who are part of your life. The female qualities gathered in the North are sympathy, compassion, sharing, intuition, feeling, loving and nurturing.


8.    At the back of you, in the West, stand all your ancestors, your own personal ones and those of the whole world. It is the ancestral pool, the collective spiritual power of all those who went before you. When your own time comes to die, you will become part of the collective human unconscious that is the ‘pool of souls’.


9.    In front of you, to the East, lies the Future. Your children are in the East, for they are your future. This is where your spiritual path lies, because on the spiritual path we always walk forward, never back. Because magic and ritual practice is part of our spiritual path, we know that divination is in the East.

10.           Now breathe and reflect quietly on all this until it becomes part of you.


Finding a ‘Stone of Light’


When you find a stone you specially like,  you can test it to see if it is a ‘sastun’ or ‘seeing stone’. Do this on a Friday.


1.    Hold the stone in one hand, and dip the fingers of the other into a glass of spirits - rum preferably. Make the sign of the cross on both sides of the stone.

2.    Say: Sastun, sastun, I ask that you tell me all I want to know. Teach me to understand signs. Visit me in all my dreams. Give me the answers I seek. I have faith that you will answer all my prayers. In the name of the God and Goddess, of the Earth Mother, and all the Ancestors.’

3.    Repeat the dipping, signing and praying nine times in all.

4.    Sleep with the sastun under your pillow or near you in the bed. If it is a sastun, the spirits will come to you in a dream and instruct you in its proper use.

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