please read “Notes and Background Material” first





“Once again, the Winter Solstice is upon us. The season when we honour the closing of the year, the Northern Quadrant of the Medicine Wheel, the White Buffalo, the White Owl, the Ancient Spirits and the Wisdom which is among us and within us. The season when we learn, from nature, how to honour the darkness of Life's Mysteries without losing to recognize the seeds of growth and nurture them in our own inner warmth until the Light to dignify the elder who lives within us, and to face our own old age with serenity and faith and power. Once again we learn, that even in the darkest moments, health, serenity, and healing energy are available when we focus on them with positive intent.”





“I give thanks to the Wise Powers of the Universe that have protected me this day, this season, this year; may their blessings attend me wherever I go, and I ask for special blessings to those who have touched my life, who are now in need.

I look to the unfulfilled places in my life, and ask that my Ancient Wisdom Teachers show me how best to prepare these as fields where I may sow seeds of hope. I ask, both for myself and others, that self blame, disappointment and self-doubt disappear, to be replaced by self-confidence, hopefulness, awareness of potential, and Love.”



Use charcoal discs, and throw some of the herbs (see notes) on them, so they flare up and give off scent. You can also use essential oils, such as Sage or Lavender, or incense sticks, but make sure they were made with pure essential oils, and not synthetic scents, which have no plant power at all.

Using fresh herbs, or holding your incense stick, or smudge stick, start by cleansing the air around your space. Start at the top, then work your way down to the floor. Do not forget the doorways. Tune in to the energies you feel as you do this. Wherever you sense special attention is needed, give it.



"With these herbs, I purify this space and make it sacred. I banish and dismiss all evil and discordant spirits, and allow only the good and helpful to stay.”


When you have finished cleansing and purifying the greater space, you can cleanse and purify the space around your person. In a group you can do this for each other. This is a moving experience and helps create strong bonds and a good head of power for the ritual. Start with a person's head, and circle the herbs in a spiral from top to bottom.



"I clear the space around you of negative and harmful energies, and welcome positive energies to enter."


When the cleansing is finished you can say more if you want. Try something like this:

" You are now standing in a sacred space, in a pool of light and energy that will go with you wherever you go in the coming year. Think of this power and draw on it when you need it”


When everything has been purified and sanctified, all join hands and breathe deeply, visualising the sacred space moving in you and through you, and in and out of each other in your shared fellowship.   



Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

As you exhale let out all your stress and worries.

Do this a few more times, until you feel the pain and tension ebbing away.

When it has gone, it leaves space for something else to enter.

Sense that you are in a Sacred Space, and remember the things you did to create it.

Remember the person you helped cleanse, and feel warm towards her.

Remember that you all helped cleanse each other

Feel that sense of fellowship you have from all inhabiting the same Sacred Space.

As you breathe in this time, draw in some of the white light of the sacred space you stand in.

Keep on breathing it in until it fills you up and spills over and starts to enter those around you

Now there is so much that it fills the space we are in, and starts to spill out into the world

Imagine the person you most love and who is not here, and see the white light you have created spreading outward, ever outward, to touch that person

Imagine their face fill with joy and peace as they sense the white light entering them

Now think of a person you know who is ill and send them the white light

It may be harder, but think of a person you really dislike, and send them some white light so that they can be more like what you would like them to be.


Now we will go on a spirit journey to do something good just for you.


See or sense that you are deep in the woods, on the coldest, darkest, night of the year. You feel perfectly safe, because you have the white light to protect you, and nothing can hurt you. Look up and see the black sky spangled with stars overhead. It can never be really dark while the stars are out.


Look around you and see the dark green pine trees. They are protecting you with their enveloping green boughs.  Walk through the trees and see that there is a vast, icy lake in front of you. The ground crackles as you walk. The cold freezes your nose.


Look into the ice of the lake and you can see visions. You can see answers to your problems. If you don’t see them straight away, open your heart and ask for the answer to come. Look up, look over the lake to the far shore. You may see a shape appearing through the trees. If you see an animal, or a person, mentally call out to them to help you. This person or animal is your spirit guide, and is here to help you, but only if you welcome them.


You can have some time to ask your guide for answers to anything you want to know, and when you have had enough time, you will quietly and calmly come back here, or I will call you when I want you to come.

Breathe deeply again and exhale.

Now focus inside yourself, in your midriff.

A golden spot is forming there

Feel it warming you with inner heat

Feel it beginning to spread and grow

Its golden rays are reaching up like an inner sun, to touch your heart, and reaching down, into your navel.

Now it is spreading up into your arms, and down into your legs.

Feel the warmth growing inside you, moving up into head and neck, down into feet.

Know that you have within you the healing powers of both heat and cold.

Know that you are balanced and whole.

Know that you are safely rooted in the ground, but that your spirit is with the stars.

Know that in both darkness and light you are equally safe, because you have power over both.
Now focus on any area of yourself that needs healing.

Allow darkness and light in equal measures to flood that part with inner healing.


Take a deep breath and feel both alert and relaxed.

Feel Safe.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to the Great Spirits for this feeling of safety and well-being.

Take a deep breath and ask for continued protection for you and your safety and well-being, and for everyone you love and for any about whom you are concerned.

Take a deep breath and ask for peace for the world

When you are ready, open your eyes and address the Great Spirits




Great Spirits of the Winter and of the North Direction. Great God of the Greenwood, Gentle Goddess of the Earth. Boreas Guardian of the Northern Portals. Uriel, Archangel of Earth.  

We ask you for the wisdom and the courage to age gracefully in our lives and in our endeavors.  

Honour us with your presence as we stand in your Sacred space.  

Permit the crystal clarity of winter to bring purity to our lives and thoughts, and healing to our bodies and to our world.


Spirit of the White Buffalo, help us to turn the lessons we have learned and the knowledge we have gained into wisdom and abundance, spiritually and physically.


Allow us to understand the dignity of being  


Help us to learn the truth and beauty of not doing.


Spirit of the Great White Owl, teach us to fly with quiet grace and seeing eyes through the dark times of our lives.


Give us the patience to share ourselves and our knowledge with those who can use them.


Give us the faith and the courage to continue our journeys to the end, in dignity, so that our energy may once again arrive in the Dawn of the East.


Show us how to find joy in darkness and endings, as well as in light and beginnings



One by one, all light candles and place them on the altar, making a wish or a statement as you do so.



This is the time when each person might want to share a tale from his or her own life about a time when darkness descended, and what they did to relieve it or how somebody else brought light to the darkness. It is a good idea to use a Speaking Stick. This lets the person continue uninterrupted, as long as they have the stick.




When all discussion is finished, ask the group if they are ready for the last part of the ceremony, and for everyone to hold hands in a circle (round the tree, in our case, as this is the focus of our energy).


In the right frame of mind and spirit of giving, each person releases positive energy into the circle, which travels right round and increases in power every time it completes a circuit. 


The Leader turns to the person on her right, looks in her eyes, and takes her hand. This person then turns to the person on her right, and does the same. One by one the hands are linked, the chain extended, and energy begins to flow round the circle as each person releases the positive energy they have accumulated, letting it flow into the body of the person next to her. Once the chain is complete, all thoughts should be put out of mind, allowing the energy to flow unhampered round and round the circle, increasing in strength and speed as it completes each circuit.


The energy is healing and energising for the group and will empower them to release it afterwards to help cure, heal and strengthen those they meet in their daily lives.


If the group has agreed that the energy be used for a definite purpose, the Leader will voice the Intent when she judges the time is right and the energy has peaked. 


After this the feasting begins 

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