Allotment 18 June

These beautiful pictures show the allotment at its best

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Sacred circle

Willow arch

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looking through willow arch towards rose trellis

closer to trellis and rose arch

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rose arch and trellis

closeup of rose arch

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closeup of roses - Alchemist climber grown from cuttings

inside the Secret Garden - lupin bed

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back of plot - fern and weigela looking towards Terrace, wisteria arbour with hammock inside
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sacred circle, in background is hawthorn arch grown from cuttings - one side flowers white, other red sacred circle - hawthorn arch is north-east gate
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circle, looking to the West altar looking through the hawthorn arch to the hut - deutzia on left near East altar
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same from further back philadelphus - mock orange - golden leaved variety
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species geranium - pink one side, blue other hawthorn arch with west altar
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pink deutzia

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