Pictures taken on 5 May 2006

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And now this is it! The pièce de resistance! THE AFRICAN HUT!

This is my latest inspiration. Using the conifer trunks so kindly donated by Sandy. It is a circle 8ft in diameter (no space for more) and I have cut 19 shafts 7ft6" long - 2ft to be buried in the earth. So far I have fie posts up. Ihad to stop the project as we were in dire danger of being suffocated by dandelions. I have started doing meditations there, so this is why the buddha has moved in. I sit on the blue barrel and contemplate.

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The pear tree grew in a pot at home for about three years. Last year I planted it out in the allotment. This year is the first time it has flowered.  When the african hut is finished, the pear tree will stand on the left of the doorway (looking out from in) while there is an apple tree (part of the first planting we ever did on this, Plot 1) to the left. You can just see a corner of the blue barrel.

     The posts I am putting in for the hut do not sit next to each other. I have to dig a separate hole for each one, so that is not possible, so they have light and air between. I plan to erect a central post higher than these. I shall fix a nylon rope around the ring of posts, and from the centre pole run ropes down to fasten onto this ring. Then I plan to cover the rope with netting, the netting with straw, another layer of netting and stitch it in place with string. Working on the yurt principle, I can attach a waterproof nylon cover on the outside, and a fabric lining on the inside. Simple! I'll photograph progress as I go along.

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This is the view looking out from the african hut












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Looking left from the african hut I can see the Tea Terrace, though I will not see this when the coverings and hangings are on.










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View to right from African hut, looking through some of the posts in place. Again, when the hangings are in place I will not see this. But in summer I will probably not have the hangings, it will be nice to sit in this airy space looking up at the thatched roof and playing my djembe.







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And finally, who is this? Mister Ghandi? No, it is  Fasal, my friend the Pakistani Gardener. He is a man of great wisdom and prodigious digging strength.

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