Spirituality 2: 


events that we shared in his lifetime

Spiritual 1 / 2 / 3 / 4/

On these pages I shall describe some of the experiences we have shared spiritually, including those after Wolf's death. I may not always record these in chronological order, it is best to write them down as they come to me, and rearrange them later.

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Roland's Leap

Le Sauté du Roland - Roland's Leap

This was a very strange experience we shared. It was in 1998 that we headed for Narbonne  with the Bolero bus. Wolfram's ex-mother in law  paid us a visit earlier that year, offering to pay for us a holiday in a hotel, in reparations for Wolfram's marriage to her daughter. It took some time to persuade her that the last thing we wanted was to stay in a hotel, as we liked cycle-camping. In the end we reached a compromise, and she paid for us to stay in a "gîte" for two weeks. The place we chose was in a village called Lastours, in the Cathar country near Carcassonne. It all sounded wonderful when we read about it on the internet. The photo was the one posted on the web. Looks intriguing, don't it. The reality was far from it.

The Vision Quest - 1995


Spiritual 1 / 2 / 3 / 4/

Up ] [ Spiritual 2: events we shared in his lifetime ] Spiritual 3 : events that happened shortly after his death ] Spiritual 4 : events that happened in the weeks following his death ]

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