Wolf's Hut
For full story
of the Hut go
here. This hut was built by Wolf after his transition to the Spirit
World. He organised and gave directions for how it was to be built. This
is now dedicated as a sacred space for his spirit to inhabit. It is not
finished, he has come up with an improved plan for the roof which will
shortly be put into practice. The hut has become a healing centre and a
focal point for an energy vortex which circles over the allotment. The
circular shape, the spiral winding of the centre pole which connects
earth and sky, and the spiral weaving of the roof all combine to create
an energy source which, through meditation, can be directed to send
healing energy out into the world, and also by switching the path to
draw healing energy downwards and direct it in concentrated form on
anyone sitting inside. This will shortly be augmented by the application
of orgone energy units which are being fitted to the seventeen outer
posts and the central post. Then we will really see results! |
The Hut is a
truly magical place, and echoes the energies of the 28ft dia sacred
circle nearby - the Hut is 8 feet in diameter. It acts to focus and
concentrate energy during magical workings in the main circle, but also
possesses great power of its own. All who sit in it are affected in some
way by the spiritual presence they feel there. It was specially sited
for the beautiful view out of the doorway, across the allotment and up
to the far hills, where Blacko Tower, former haunt of witches, can be
seen. This lies in a line due north. |