Trip to Ireland cont'd

41.Johnny digging.jpg (214268 bytes) Sunday. Johnny and Heidi came to take me and the tree to the church. Johnny finished off the hole (left) and then posed for this picture (right) with Heidi. We took the tree into church where Erroll took the service and then afterwards he blessed the tree and Johnny, Fergus and I planted it. Heidi had brought compost and fertiliser for it, she even brought three large bottles of water! Everyone threw a handful of soil into the hole. Then Larry and I sang "Promise of Your Grace" and some of the others sang with us though I only had one sheet with words on. 44.Johnny Heidi Tree.jpg (372231 bytes)
44d.planting.jpg (127772 bytes) 44c.planting.jpg (124032 bytes) 44b.planting.jpg (66937 bytes) 44a.planting.jpg (83367 bytes)

    1. Me with tree     2. Watering tree. Me, Heidi, ?, Talitha, ?    3. Ed, Cathy, Erroll     4. Me, Fergus, Johnny, Jean

wpe11.jpg (42755 bytes) I found the tree planting a bit too much emotionally and went off on my own to walk in the Muckross Estate (left). I went down to the lake and sat there awhile. There was a strong wind making patterns in the water and I managed to capture some of them in this picture (right). Click to see it more clearly. 47.water.jpg (307286 bytes)
Margaret had to work Monday, and Fergus had to go to Tralee to the massage school, so I said I would go keep him and Bertie company. We walked out to the other college where Wolfram would have started last June, and met another friend of Fergus', who recently converted to Islam. That was fun! Not!
Tuesday - Margaret and I went to Milltown to Joan's cafe. Sid had told me Joan was away, but she was there and very surprised to see Margaret. After a while she asked what we were doing out there and M told her about the house and how we could not get inside to see it, as it was let to someone. Joan told us her sister was renting a house out at Inch, and that she was very talented and had designed her own tarot cards which were on sale in a shop in Dingle. Margaret and I looked at each other, remembering the unusual looking cards in the house. I asked whereabouts was her sister living - it turned out she was in the very house! Just then a car pulled up and it was Breeda, Joan's sister!

Breeda and I sat together while Margaret caught up with Joan's news, and I tried to find out more about the house, the main thing being, was it damp. No, it wasn't. Breeda lives in Lanzarote, and is back here for medical treatment. She has just renewed the lease for another month to six weeks, but told me it could take longer - it could be five months. However, she wants to get back to Lanzarote as soon as she can. We shared energies, and exchanged email addresses. Breeda said she would keep an eye open for any other properties that became vacant, and said there was a pink house further up the hill from her, and that work had just been started on it. She felt it might be being got ready for a let. She said she could see me in the pink house. She said that if I wanted to come over again I could stay in the house with her for a week and experience what it was like. That was so incredible, meeting like that.

Picture of Inch Beach Cottages Margaret didn't have too much time, as she had to be back for the kids getting out of school and wanted to have a walk on Inch beach (left) before we went back, However, I begged for a quick look at the "pink house". It did not look as large as Breeda's house, though I did not get out of the car and go up to it, due to lack of time. We had our brisk walk along the beach, (left), If you look at the map , Inch beach is the bit that sticks out into the bay like a thumb. It is 3 miles long.
We went back home and Padraig Lynch rang with the house owner's phone number. I rang him. He asked how long did I want it for, I said "years and years and years if possible" and he said he "thought we could thrash something out". I said I was 65 and did not want to move again and he said "we should get thirty years out of you!" He asked was it just for me or would I be bringing anyone with me - I said it would be me any my dog and he said "Sure the dog will love it!" Then I told him I would have to apply for rent allowance and he said there would be no problem with that. We have each other's email addresses and he will let me know when the house will be vacant. 
t.1a.JPG (286395 bytes) That evening I consulted the cards again. The top three cards were: High Priest, 10 Cups, 5 Wands. I had not asked a question. The HP is a bit of an "in Ordnung" card - it likes everything to be done properly, so not to cut corners and be sure to do everything properly. Since then another thought about this card has come to me. In a reading I did for Wolfram after his death, this card and the High Priestess (see earlier reading)  came up together very significantly, and meant that orthodox religion and the pagan religion co-existed without any problem in the afterlife. Ten of Cups is the happiness card - all tens are endings, this is kind of end-of-the-trail, happy-ever-after card. The third card was five of wands, indicating that effort should be made to push things forward, and a militant attitude be adopted towards any obstacles that occur. Summed up, these cards mean: "Do everything properly, you will be happy, fight for what you want."
Looking then at the two cards behind each of these three, First Line has 9 Cups - we already have 10 Cups in the answer line. 9 Cups means "one thing left to do before completion and happiness" - the following card shows what it is that must be done - Ace Wands means "seize the moment" - an opportunity that only presents itself once and if not taken will not appear again.

Second Line has 10 Pentacles behind 10 Cups. Another ending card. Taking this and the first reading into account, we now have three tens. 10 Pentacles indicates a wonderful new beginning opening out of an ending, something with an element of surprise about it. The third card is Death. This means moving away from the past and closing doors behind me.

Third Line. 5 Wands is followed by Lovers. Well that is pretty clear. After that is 4 Cups - an opportunity presents itself. This is always something that has been thought of already, and identified as something I would want to do if it were possible. So that when it presents itself there is no need to think, only accept.

This again is a very encouraging reading.

57.Meriel Larry.jpg (118398 bytes) Wednesday - Larry and Meriel invited me to Muckross for coffee. We stayed chatting so long that Larry said we should try the soup - Roasted Parsnip and Apple, it was delicious. Larry was on about making a film about Wolfram - he has mentioned this every time I see him, so this time I listened. It would be an evangelical film of course. I asked Larry about being an Open-Air Campaigner - what was it? He mentioned baptising someone in a river - I said, "do you always do it in a river?" he said, "no sometimes I do it in the sea" - can you imagine, being baptised in the sea at Inch? Now that would be something!
map.jpg (123770 bytes) Map of Inch with position of house marked. 

I flew home Weds evening

Saturday 24 Feb

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This afternoon I went to the place where I always feel Wolf's presence strongly. There was a feeling of great power as I approached - it felt different from before. It was like a heaviness in the air. I stood for a moment and then I seemed to be invited to go into a small grove where one of the trees was leaning at an angle. This was welcome to lean on as I began to feel extremely dizzy. This feeling continued for a long time and I felt Wolf very near. I felt his sadness that he could not be there in body, but his happiness over the house and completion of that task. Then I felt it was time to leave and that I should take a stone from the place. There was a broken down wall and I looked for a suitable piece. When I chose one and pulled it out, there was a tree seedling lying on it, already sprouting, already growing. Was this a tree in exchange for a tree? 

Then it came to me - Breeda was telling me her name means Brigid, she was talking about St Brigid's Day - 2nd Feb, and how she did a ceremony for her at the Full Moon - and I told her we were planting the tree for Wolf that day, and asked her did she do "putting the Bride to bed" and she said yes, and I told her how we would do that in the allotment every year - and now I see the link - Brigid, in the cottage - Feb 2 - the memorial service and the tree - all taking place at the same time - and how she told me the banshee had been wailing outside her house for three nights - and I said that's since I looked through your windows - it's telling you time to move on and let me in, and how she told me she got the house the same way - by meeting the woman who lived in it, and having it passed on, as she was doing for me. Wow oh wow. What more can I say. I planted the seedling in a pot and will take it with me. A symbol of new life. I think it is sycamore. One of those winged things. 

I also remembered that on Dec 8 when Wolf told me "I will take you to Killarney" he also told me he was preparing a house for me. I took this to mean a "house in heaven" - in the afterlife, for when we would be together. But he must have meant the house at Inch.

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