The Work of Ed Leedskalnin

Leedskalnin's "Sweet Sixteen"


the clue left by Leedskalnin

"Ed Leedskalnin's revealed code is a perfect match to the clues left behind by so many ancient cultures such as the Golden Section, Golden Ratio, Phi, Flower of Life, Time measurement among so many other titles . I have found the same clues of this lost science in all the main cultures around the globe, on every continent. What Ed's code is leaving us with is that this ancient science Sacred Geometry was representing an advanced knowledge of Two Magnetic Currents and the Neutral particles of matter, they orbit as a common core. This force he called the Cosmic Force. The ancients called it the "Flower of life" or the "Golden Section," and again it is Sacred Geometry. Ed's code reveals this science to be the understanding all of natures forces and creations. From a nano level up to the structure of our universe itself."
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"The Coral Castle website reports that this 18,000 pound gate is so perfectly balanced that it can be opened with the simple push of a finger. It closes to within a quarter inch on either side of the frame opening. It broke in 1986. Six men and a 50-ton crane were needed to remove and repair it. What they found was that Ed had centered and balanced it using an iron shaft and truck bearing. He drilled an almost perfect round eight-foot hole for the shaft using only hand tools. Today a laser-guided drill bit would be used to achieve such extreme precision. State-of-the-art adhesives were used when reinstalling the gate."     

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