See other books by Geraldine Murfin-Shaw






This is the second volume of Geraldine Murfin-Shaw’s autobiography and tells the story of the events leading up to her meeting with Wolfram Thomé, an extraordinary German from the Black Forest, and of their life together. In the first volume, At Least She Never Drank Much, she tells of her childhood, her struggles as a single mother, her love for cooking and her eventual career as a Head Chef. Her coming to Nelson at the age of 41 marked the end of this first half of her life.


In A Bit on the Blind Side, she describes her quest to ‘discover’ herself after she was ‘left stranded like a moraine when the glacier has melted’ - in a place where she knew no one, and no one knew her. She meets four people who are pivotal to her future career - a singer/songwriter who kickstarts her into performance poetry; a transcendental mystic who opens her eyes to other worlds; a literary mentor who shapes, edits and guides her writing; and a latter-day whirling dervish who initiates her into wicca.


All of this, she thinks, prepares her for the life she is to lead with her fourth husband, Wolfram, in which they create a magical world on their three organic allotments. Growing food and conducting pagan ceremonies, they act as conduits for those searching forgotten ancient ways, while also developing their separate talents - he as a sound recording engineer and musician, she as a tarot reader, astrologer, writer and web designer.  


Although severely visually handicapped from birth, Wolfram has managed to hide this fact from his many friends and acquaintances by learning how to overcome his difficulties and appear perfectly normal. Under Geraldine’s encouragement, he admits to being ‘a bit on the blind side’, but this is as far as he will go. On their many cycle trips abroad, he steadfastly refuses to ride a tandem, and makes no concessions to his blindness.

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Don’t let anyone ever tell you life does not begin at forty! And fifty. And sixty - Geraldine is still going strong, developing and growing, and does not ever intend to stop.


We hope you will find this book an inspiration and a guide on your own life quest. Geraldine loves meeting people and is ready to give talks or interviews about anything and everything. She has done radio and tv work frequently in the past, under her married name of Valerie Thomé.

book begun: 14 February 2011 at 11.46am


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