in no particular order
Wayne and Libby


and Libby, Pendle People is proud to award you its "Best Human
Beings on the Planet" Award |
Wayne and Libby are two of the most delightful
people I know. They are full of life and light, energy and love. And
they have a Vision. They want to experience life to its fullest - they
are giving up their house and going to live on the water. This has been
a long term project, carefully and patiently they have acquired a piece
of land on which to grow food, a mooring on the Leeds-Liverpool canal,
and soon they will take delivery of a boat shell which they will
convert into their new home. Wayne and Libby are not alone in this
- their seven children are with them! "Life is not about being on a
ladder," says Wayne, who is a window cleaner, "It's about
being who you are and making a difference." We'll
be featuring their progress as they go 'back to the
Wayne and Libby's page |

Pendle People salutes you as one of its "Best Human Beings" |
Sara is another of my very favourite people.
Light and energy radiate from her and she is an extremely talented
artist, designer, poet and writer. Sara started with less advantages in
life than most of us, and her battles are not over yet; she would be
remarkable whatever station in life she came from, but to say she has
had to fight every inch of the way would not be an exaggeration. I
applaud and encourage her enterprise and Vision, and hope to be
featuring some of her work on here
Sara's Page |
best friend Maud


Pendle People salutes you and is proud to acknowledge you among
Human Beings on the Planet" |
Maud is one of life's unsung heroes - the army
of women who put their own feelings aside and 'get on with it' -
dedicated to bringing up their family, caring for their man (when there
is one) and then extending this care to the families their children
raise, and even shouldering the burden of caring for the elderly in our
community, making sure their remaining days are as peaceful and
enjoyable as they can be. Their days are busy, their leisure short, but
when they get the chance they show the rest of us what they are made of
- Maud has a qualification in psychology and is now forging ahead with
astrology, computers and dreamwork. If only people like Maud could run the country
instead of spending all their energy on mundane tasks, we would be in
better shape than we are now. Maud you are a brilliant, beautiful
friend and I am so lucky to have you! |
and Fergus Ring


People salutes Margaret and Fergus and acknowledges them among the
Human Beings on the Planet" |
Margaret is a dedicated, beautiful and loving
soul and I fell in love with her and her husband the minute I walked in
their house in Killarney. I had a programme of events scheduled but I
said "Cancel everything, I'm coming back here tomorrow."
Whoever and whatever you are, there's a welcome at Margaret and
Fergus's. Margaret can't do enough for you, she's as quick on the draw
with her purse as Mrs Doyle, and many's the time we've fought each other
to get the money on the table first. Fergus is at the end of a phone day
and night for the many needy souls who are drawn to him, and he is a
gifted and talented healer and masseur. He has the lightest of touches
and the most soothing of voices - a lilting Dublin accent. They are
tireless workers for the good of their community. They and their four
delightful children are among my best friends on the planet. |


People thinks Norma Whitehead is the best thing that happened to the
Planet in a long time! She definitely deserves this Award |
I want to thank Norma for the difference she has
made in my life and in the lives of countless others. I joined Norma's
Tai Chi and relaxation classes at Pendle Wavelengths after a
stress-induced crisis caused by too much contact with my mother, who
moved here seven years ago. I was seriously depressed and
sleep-deprived, lacking in energy. I was quite desperate when I started
going to Norma's classes in February. Under her calm gentle tuition I
learned to relax and let go. Tai Chi helped me get mobile and control my
balance, and the breathing exercises steadied my mind and increased my
chi energy. Her meditations and visualisations restored my spirituality.
So much so that I want to say -
Norma has wrought such a change that, though I could
hardly put one foot in front of the other five months ago, I am now about
to set off on a three hundred mile cycle ride. AND IT'S ALL DOWN TO YOU
NORMA. See 'Song for Norma' |
Diana is the sweetest, kindest, most loving, giving
woman on the planet - qualities which are for the most part
unappreciated by this money-grubbing, exploitative society. Diana works
for the Co-op, and I boil with rage every time I hear them promoting themselves as
'ethical', knowing the way they treat their staff. My daughter worked as
a Supervisor for months without getting the proper rate for the job, had
to fight to get it at all, and was never reimbursed for the months of
underpayment - her case was not unusual, it was typical. It doesn't end
there. I feel like
standing outside with a banner denouncing them. I might make another
page, and the Co-op will be top of the list as WORST BASTARDS ON THE
poem for