Twelve best pictures from my Walsingham holiday

click to enlarge


best beach.jpg (328697 bytes)

Holkham beach


32.beach huts.jpg (638416 bytes)

beach huts, Holkham


33.beach2.jpg (511376 bytes)

Holkham beach


best clouds.jpg (357444 bytes)

sea and clouds, Wells-next-the-Sea


best flowers.jpg (558195 bytes)

flowery verges, Great Walsingham


best forest.jpg (465262 bytes)

entrance to Holkham woods


best lane wide.jpg (464015 bytes)

old railway track to Slipper Chapel


best Lola.jpg (443324 bytes)

rolling in the daisies


best sea.jpg (281502 bytes)

sea wall, Wells-next-the-Sea


best wall.jpg (560052 bytes)

old flint wall, back of Friary


old priory 1347.jpg (406747 bytes)

Friary, built 1347



road kill.jpg (404155 bytes)

Lola examines roadkill




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